All year round they honor and dress with colors and fragrances enviable. Images unique architecture, tradition, history. All the stories of lovers surfers village are true!

See Nimfaio like a painting, as one of the most beautiful paintings of Greece ! It is a beautiful village.

Nymphaeum the main square

Nymphaeum in the winter

Located in the mountain Vitsis in an unspoilt natural environment with forests full of life and with the view to the south you can see, the energy field Ptolemais – Amyntaiou and four lakes Zazari, Cheimaditida, Petron and Vegoritida.

It has been  characterized not only traditional but also a preserved historical site. The visitor surely won’t be bored.

Nymphaeum in the winter

A great option is to ride, to those who can ride horses offer the thrill of the experience.


Another option for you is the marked footpaths in the forest, leading to some of the most beautiful parts of the village. Worth the visit “House of Gold”, a three-storie mansion, museum and Goldsmith, Folklore and History, which presents unique collections of silverware and gear. The painting portraits of prominent Aromanians (Vlachs) benefactors.



Take a walk in baths and wineries in Limnochori, located on LakeZazari (the only one in Europe that has mussels!). Do not miss a lush Sklithro the forest and the oaks. Here at the end of each summer there is the celebration of the Potato, due to widespread cultivation.


Admire the basilica church of St. Nicholas, built with hewn stone, the bells are made in Istanbul and Odessa.

Environmental Center Arcturus Bears

Environmental Center Arcturus Bears

Another impressive building is the NikiosSchool, with decorative red brick around the arched windows. The ground floor houses the InformationCenter for Bear “Arcturus” and the actions associated with the care and hospitality species of wild fauna, particularly captive bears and wolves, which have been confiscated from illegal owners.

Nikios SchoolUpstairs houses the conference center and library.

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Amazing Greek villages,

Last Update: 20/03/2015