Wedding in Monemvasia3

Monemvasia is a medieval fortress with a small village took its name from the castle that only one entrance, according Greek translation. and located on the southeast Peloponnese in the prefecture of Lakonia.

Last years Monemvasia has become a top destination for weddings. From spring to autumn, there are many young couples who give vows of loyalty to historical churches (from the most popular Elkomenos Christ and the Virgin Chrysafitissa), among the narrow cobbled alleys of traditional stone village! Indeed, past, experienced professionals and romantic hotels undertake to cover every aspect of the organization. All you have to do is get the decision …

Wedding in Monemvasia1

Wedding in Monemvasia2

Wedding in Monemvasia4

Wedding in Monemvasia

Images via: theweddingexpertsingreece– travellers mag

Categorized in:

Amazing Greek Places,

Last Update: 20/03/2014