Anafi island

Why holidays in Anafi

  • To experience the real Greece, unadulterated by tourism
  • To relax in a tranquil little piece of paradise
  • To admire the magnificent view from your balcony in Country
  • To enjoy the sunset from the imposing Kalamos
  • To swim in sandy beaches with turquoise waters

Holidays in Anafi means holiday with peace and relaxation on beaches that surprise

Anafi is located in the southeastern part of the Cyclades. Generally dry island, like most islands in the Cyclades, but there are some small scattered green oases as Anafi has running water.

According to Greek mythology, the Argonauts sometime endangered by storm and the god Apollo, for save them, did  Anafi emerged through the sea. Anafi got its name from this legend, since the mean is Anafi the island emerged from the sea.

Anafi fortunately remained almost untouched by tourism, giving guests a taste of authentic Greek tradition at all levels. The residents of Anafi is famous builders with typical architectural style, so you can expect to see beautiful traditional buildings as Anafiotika under the Acropolis.

There is no much nightlife in Anafi as the island is more suitable for those looking for a relaxing and peaceful holiday.

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Images via: Pinterest

Categorized in:

Greek Islands,

Last Update: 17/11/2013